Equip Swap

Discovered by Valientlink, Juwk, Exodus

Equip Swap is a trick which lets you equip items over the wrong slot from the pause menu. It is performed with a frame perfect equip after switching the pause menu to the Inventory Screen. This allows duplicating bottled items repeatedly, equipping certain age-restricted items as the wrong age, and keeping a copy of a trade item on C after trading them away. This trick has some limitations due to the layout of the pause menu and the age-restricted items.

How to Perform

  1. Place the inventory cursor on the item you want to equip to C. This can be any item in the inventory except "SOLD OUT".
  2. Change the pause menu to either the Equipment Screen or Map Screen.
  3. Scroll back to the Inventory Screen with either the control stick or the Z/R buttons, then, on one frame, press a diagonal direction on the control stick towards an item to equip and press any C button.
  4. If done correctly, the item which was previously selected on the Inventory Screen will be equipped to C, but the slot which was scrolled to after the menu switch will be linked to the C Button Item just equipped.


  • When you scroll from either the Map Screen or the Equipment Screen to the Inventory Screen, then hold a diagonal direction on the control stick, the cursor will scroll to the top-most item of the column which is closest to the screen you scrolled from. If there is no item in the closest column, it will go to the next closest and so on. This means you can only equip over the top-most slot of the closest column with at least one item.
  • The down-diagonals will not work if there is more than one item in the closest column. The up-diagonals will always work, however.
  • If you are Adult and attempt go from the Map Screen to the Inventory Screen to perform Equip Swap, and you have any item in the Child Trade Slot, you will not be able to do it unless you have an item in one of the Fairy Spell slots (Din's Fire, Farore's Wind, Nayru's Love). This is because the cursor will scroll to the child trade slot if there is nothing above it, and the trick will not work if the cursor scrolls to a dimmed item.
  • If you are Adult and attempt go from the Equipment Screen to the Inventory Screen to perform Equip Swap, and you have any item in the Deku Stick, Fairy Slingshot, or Boomerang slots, you will not be able to do the trick from that side of the invetory. This is because the cursor will scroll to one of the child items, and the trick will not work if the cursor scrolls to a dimmed item.
  • Those are the two most common ways to be locked out of doing Equip Swap as a certain age, but there are more ways depending on what exact items are in the inventory.
Last updated 05/29/2024 – Valientlink