
This is the optimal route of the any%, which obtains the Deku Leaf before Bombs, using the Door Cancel glitch, as well as using it again later to enter Forsaken Fortress 2. Sail skip is optional, however obtaining the sail makes Door Cancel with vision more difficult to execute.

Click here for an image of the Great Sea Chart with quadrant names and notation if you are not familiar with the map.

- Quadrant Call-out
- Equip Item

Forsaken Fortress 1

Skip Rupees if skipping sail


  • Do one of the following routes, ordered from fastest to slowest

Sail Skip


  • Door Cancel with vision for Forest Haven
    • Flower rupees, rupee under ramp, rupee on ledge, rupee before zunari (80 rupees)
    • Get Storage near windmill
    • Store the Zunari Sail text
    • Jump Down to storage spot near KorL and clear text to buy Sail on the way (you get it on reload)
    • Storage on spot near KorL and store his text
    • Door Cancel with Vision on bomb shop door
    • Storage on wall right of bomb shop and store pig mini-game guy text
    • Double Storage on wall right of bomb shop
    • NOTE: If you fail you will not have quick text on KorL anymore. Your options are to reload a save before buying sail, or doing Door Cancel with Vision using slow text.
  • Superswim to Forest Haven [D2 to F6]
  • Scale outside with jumpslashes
  • Deku Tree Cutscene Skip
  • Bulb Skip, Leaf
    • [Wind Waker, Sail, Leaf]
    • Savewarp



  • Do one of the following routes depending on whether you got Sail

Sail Skip

  • Door Cancel for FF2 [D2 to A1]
    • Get Double Storage with KorL text
    • Enter camera lock, Door Cancel with vision on potion door
  • Superswim to FF2, scale up to loading zone with Door Cancel
  • Helmaroc Skip (leaf around helmaroc method, and roll clip or take damage to 1.5 hearts against spikes) (if doing Puppet Ganon Skip, take damage from spikes)


  • Door Cancel for FF2 [D2 to A1]
    • NOTE: It is faster to do what Sail Skip does here, but you will need to do it off slow text.
    • Get Storage
    • Store Password door
    • Door Cancel with vision out of exiting the password prompt
    • Storage near windmill
  • Superswim to FF2, scale up to loading zone with Door Cancel
  • Helmaroc Skip (leaf around helmaroc method, and roll clip or take damage to 1.5 hearts against spikes) (if doing Puppet Ganon Skip, take damage from spikes)

Hyrule 2

  • Routes merge here
  • Enter Hyrule 2 (if you skipped the sail, avoid the softlock after the courtyard cutscene), go through the castle
  • Barrier Skip with Bomb Push Clip
  • Enter Ganon's Tower
  • Refill on magic
  • Trials Skip

Ganon's Tower

Last updated 06/08/2024 – EJ125