フックショットクリップ (Hookshot Clip)

Discovered by Kazooie



手順 1. 貫通させたい面に近づき、それに対しバック宙/横っ飛びをする 2. 空中にいる間にフックショットのボタンを押す 3. フックショットを低めに狙って射出する

改良版フックショットクリップ (Improved Clipping)

Discovered by CloudMax

When you start to strafe against a surface while having hookshot/longshot up, you'll notice that link is clipping into the surface for just a moment. If you release L-Targeting during this, link will stay clipped. Strafing the the right clips further than strafing to the left.

There is different setups for achieving this, two easy ones being

  1. Pull out hookshot/longshot
  2. L-Target
  3. Start Strafing against a surface
  4. Release L-Targeting, L-Target, release L-Targeting


  1. Stand next to a surface
  2. Pull out hookshot/longshot
  3. L-Target
  4. Start strafing against the surface and instantly release L-Targeting

Wider Clipping

Discovered by TheWayfaringFox

Whenever two walls come together at an outward right angle, there is a certain spot that lacks collision. This spot can be identified in First Person as Link is able to see through the walls. If you strafe into that very spot Link will have the Hookshot out of bounds, which allows for wider angles to use the Hookshot.

Last updated 12/29/2020 – pal62