Pausing Glitches

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Pause Storage

Discovered by LegendOfLinkk

This glitch requires playing with the Wii U pro controller. Triggering a loading zone on the same frame the option menu comes up allows for playing while the options menu is on the screen. While in this glitched state, the player is blind and can only navigate from sound alone. By scrolling down in the options menu to the controller option, clicking on "Wii U Gamepad" will switch controllers and pause the game, even during cutscenes or text. Then it is possible to save and quit, effectively skipping the cutscene that was being watched.

General Pause Storage with Sidehop Setup Tutorial by Lep
Another Pause Storage Tutorial by Mralberto23

Cutscene Skips

Discovered by LegendOfLinkk

Because this glitch allows you to save and quit during cutscene, you can save after the cutscene flag sets or after the cutscene item is given to you, then quit, and the cutscene will be gone after reloading your file, essentially skipping the cutscene.

Notable cutscenes this works on, on which this trick can save time:

  • Two of the Forest of Fairies Cutscenes (not the Quill part)
  • Leaving Outset Cutscene
  • Beating the Forsaken Fortress 1 Cutscene (Windfall part)
  • Wind Waker Cutscene (this skips the wind waker item)
  • Delivery Bag Cutscene (this skips the delivery bag item)
  • Deku Tree Cutscene
  • End of the Farore's Pearl Cutscene (after obtaining the pearl)
  • Greatfish Cutscene (if skipping this cutscene, it becomes impossible to come back to Greatfish or you will trigger a softlock)
  • Raising Tower of the Gods Cutscene (this cutscene skip can be done in two ways: skipping the cutscene and spawning back on the triangle island, or skipping the cutscene and spawning at the Tower of the Gods bell)
  • Going down to Hyrule 1 Cutscene
  • Helmaroc Cutscene
  • Tetra to Zelda Transformation Cutscene
  • EGL Cutscene
  • WGA Cutscene
  • Medli Cutscene
  • Beating Earth Temple Cutscene (this cutscene skip should not be done if you got the fully charged master sword early)
  • Makar Cutscene
  • Beating Wind Temple Cutscene
  • Barrier Breaking Cutscene
  • Puppet Ganon Cutscene
  • Ganondorf Cutscene

Item Duping

Discovered by JakeZSR

By savewarping after getting an item but before the flag for collecting said item sets, it is possible to reload your file and get the item again, essentially performing an item dupe. This notably works on:

  • fairy fountain rewards (for wallet duping, quiver duping and bomb bag duping)
  • the Medli bottle (for bottle duping)
  • salvageable treasures

Stealing Auction Items

Discovered by LegendOfLinkk

By savewarping after buying an auction item but before the rupee counter goes down, you can buy auction items without spending rupees; thus you are essentially stealing the item. Pause Storage is generally setup at Beedle's ship for this trick.

Item Swapping (Pause Storage version)

Discovered by SuperDude

By using a bottled item in pause storage, then by equipping over the bottled item during the cutscene of using it, you can use the content of the bottle without losing it. This allows infinite use of potions for exemple.

The most notable uses for this are:

  • putting half soup in several bottles (by using a full bottle of soup and equipping an empty bottle over it)
  • duping over forest water (by using any bottle content and equipping the forest water over it), which allows for splitting the forest water quest into several parts

Tingle Text Storage

Discovered by LegendOfLinkk

description coming soon

Item Swapping

Discovered by LegendOfLinkk

Press the item and pause at the same time on pro controller mode. Switch to Gamepad then to Pro Controller again. Equip an item over the item you used when you paused. This performs item swapping. This is useful for:

  • putting half soup in several bottles (by using a full bottle of soup and equipping an empty bottle over it)
  • duping over forest water (by using any bottle content and equipping the forest water over it), which allows for splitting the forest water quest into several parts
  • duping Moe's letter when giving it to Maggie to dupe the heart piece

Gamepad Screen Glitch

By pressing the minus button to switch from the TV screen to the gamepad screen in a short timeframe during a loading transition, and pressing plus to pause on the very first frames after the loading, you can pause your game and have the ability to save. This works as long as there is no cutscene after the loading. One use of this is to skip the death animation cutscene after a loading.

This glitch can also be used to show your item and quest screens on the TV. Press minus to switch to gamepad mode then press minus again. By then pressing plus in a tight frame window then the pause menu on the TV will show the gamepad pause menu.

Wind Waker Pausing

Pull out the wind waker and pause the game. As long as you pause buffer perfectly, you can exit the wind waker and start doing other actions such as activating textboxes or cutscenes, and you will be able to pause during them which isn't normally possible.

Last updated 06/06/2024 – azer67