Ocarina of Time - Any%

0:29:06 by EaszAz (704th place)

This run has not been verified.

Timer starts at 0:04

Sword: 5:21
Escape: 7:05
Kakariko: 8:38
Bottle: 11:28
Deku Tree: 14:48
231 Scrubs: 16:49
Killed Gohma: 17:55
Ganon Door: 19:01
Collapse: 24:17
Ganon: 29:06

This run started pretty bad, but it picked up after bottle. I should have got 29:01 but I somehow missed the final strike on Ganon costing me 4 - 5 seconds!! :O

I will be running for the WR now with instaclip runs saving approxmatly 2 minutes.
Current verified PAL N64 WR is 28:07.