Swim with Water Bombs

Trick Description

Originally discovered by LogitechSDAZ

As in TPSD it's possible to swim underwater with a Water Bomb drawn. This leads to two interesting glitches: You can replenish your air meter without surfacing, and you can "rocket" to the surface of a body of water. Replenishing your air underwater makes it possible to beat Morpheel and Zant's "Morpheel" phase without ever obtaining the Zora Armor.

How To

Replenishing the Air Meter

  1. Without the Zora Armor equipped, equip the Iron Boots and sink to the bottom of a body of water
  2. Take out a Water Bomb and quickly assign an item over the Iron Boots button to force them to un-equip, then hold the joystick in any direction. You can use start to buffer this step and make it less tight.
  3. Link will now be swimming with Water Bombs. To replenish your air, simply drop the Water Bomb with A.

Rocket Link Glitch

Performing the above trick while either wearing the Zora Armor or by dropping the Water Bomb immediately when it is over Link's head will cause him to rise to the surface of whatever body of water he is in.


  • The Bomb must be dropped by pressing A or the Bomb button in order to replenish the air meter.
  • Once you pull the Water Bomb out, keep moving until you press A to drop the Bomb. Stopping will cause the bomb fall out of your hand without replenishing the air meter.
  • These tricks can be used to skip the Zora Armor during a playthrough in combination with several other tricks. This is slower for now though.
Last updated 04/16/2024 – Jacquaid