Map Glitch

First discovered by zeldagamern01

Trick Description

Map Glitch is a trick that disables most triggers that would cause a new area to load (such as loading zones) and most triggers that would cause the current area to reload (such as void planes). It does not generally disable cutscene triggers, and it also does not disable save point triggers (triggers that define where a save is loaded).

It's important to note that the option to warp from the map screen is not initially available. The ability to do so is only obtained during the cutscene that plays after opening the portal in the Kakariko Gorge area, in which Midna forces Link to warp to Faron Province.


  • This trick only works on the USA and PAL/AUS GCN versions, as well as the USA 1.0, PAL/AUS, and JPN Wii versions. Other versions will not disable loading triggers on the map as they are disabled later in the warping process.
  • Whenever the interrupting action is talking to Midna and the trick starts with Link as Wolf, it is also possible to trigger a Midna Jump instead. This still provides Map Glitch, but Midna goes to the jump location rather than talking to Link.
  • Every method shown here is frame-perfect; there is only a one-frame window on the requisite timing inputs. This can be either two inputs on the same frame or one input on a specific frame.

Map Glitch may be canceled in a variety of ways. Keep in mind that all of these involve loading an area:

  • Loading another area, such as via using a Howling Stone (as is done when performing Snowpeak Early) or a cutscene which causes an area load (as what happens when performing King Bulblin Fight in the Bulblin Camp Early).
  • Savewarping, often after hitting a savewarp trigger (as is done when performing Earliest Snowpeak) or after setting Epona OoB to obtain her later (as was once done when performing Epona OoB to reach Lanayru Province Early).
  • Warping to another area, usually when using Map Glitch to reach a collectable or pickup earlier than intended.

Importantly, there are some softlocks and freezes to be aware of:

  • The Game Over screen will softlock. Continuing will just leave you stuck on the screen and you will not respawn. An important exception is the frozen water in Snowpeak Province; this triggers an area reload in addition to doing damage and thus will reload the area if you gameover from it.
  • Attempting to use action-based (dig, interact) loading zones will freeze. This is most notable during Snowpeak Early, if you forget to reload the room and go to dig to the next area.
  • Opening a door that Link cannot go through without falling will cause the game to softlock. While this isn't really something you'd encounter in a run, it is important to note.

──── Common methods ────

Map Warp + Midna Button Cancel method (GCN only)

Discovered by zeldagamern01
  1. Press D-Right (if the minimap is open) or D-Left (if the minimap is hidden) and Z on the same frame (see notes)
  2. Select any warp destination on the Map Screen and choose to warp there
  3. If successful, Midna will talk to you, interrupting the warp


  • It is risky to try to press both D-Right/D-Left and Z on the same frame, as pressing Z after D-Right/Left will cause you to warp away. However, there are two good methods for ensuring the Z and D-pad inputs are on the same frame. These methods are used by most speedrunners and do not cost any time in most circumstances:

    • Method 1: Unplug the controller, press and hold both Z + D-pad, then plug the controller back in. This will cause the game to read both inputs on the same frame. For the fastest results, unplug the controller during the load zone leading to the area you want Map Glitch in, then plug the controller back in on the 5th frame after regaining control of Link (see note below). The first video below shows this method.

    • Method 2: Hold the controller reset combo (X + Y + Start) and the Map Glitch inputs (Z + D-Right/Left), then release X, Y, or Start. This will cause the game to read the remaining inputs on the same frame. For the fastest results, begin holding these buttons during the load zone leading to the area you want Map Glitch in, then release X, Y, or Start on the 5th frame after regaining control of Link (see note below). The second video below shows this method.

  • This method of Map Glitch cannot be performed until the fifth frame of control after a cutscene or load zone. Pressing D-pad and Z on the same frame on the 1st possible frame of control will yield a Midna call without the map ever appearing, and doing so on the 2nd-4th frames will cause the Midna call to occur first and the map to pop up afterwards. Also note that this cannot be done while an area banner is up, as this prevents the map from opening.

Unplug method
Controller reset combo method

Icon Shortcuts + Midna Button Cancel method (Wii only)

Discovered by Maxime Deslauriers
  1. Activate Icon Shortcuts in the options menu on the pause screen.
  2. Open the map via Icon Shortcuts and call Midna on the same frame.
  3. Select any warp destination on the Map Screen and choose to warp there.
  4. If successful, Midna will talk to you, interrupting the warp.

Notes: The whole suite of inputs in Step 2 is the following: Standing still and holding Z, press A, B, and D-Up on the same frame. One of A or B can be held down in advance after Z is held, but the other of those two plus D-Up must be input on the same frame.

Universal Map Delay method (GCN only)

Discovered by Dragonbane0

By alternating A + B inputs frame perfectly after selecting the warp option, you can delay the map from coming up until you stop alternating these inputs. This can be done without map warping.

  1. Open the map screen in some fashion:
    • Call Midna and choose to warp.
    • Press D-Right (D-Left with the minimap closed).
    • Some gameplay cutscenes pull up the map automatically.
  2. Alternate A and B presses frame perfectly starting on the frame you select the warp option or open the map screen.
  3. Enter or start a cutscene while alternating inputs. These are some of the cutscenes that are known to work:
    • Door opening
    • Gameplay cutscenes, such as Master Sword cutscene
    • Transforming
  4. Stop inputs during the cutscene to make the map come up during the cutscene.
  5. Select any warp destination on the map screen and choose to warp there.
  6. If successful, the cutscene will interrupt the warp. When the cutscene ends or is skipped, you will have map glitch.

Note: This only works in cases where there is enough lead-up time to start the map delay before it opens. Most notably, it does not work for the forced warp after the Kakariko Gorge portal opening. Full details on Universal Map Delay may be found at the Universal Map Delay page.

──── Other methods ────

Midna Warp + Fast Action Button Cancel method

Discovered by mzxrules

This version may be performed without the ability to warp via the Map Screen, though warping via Midna is still required. However, it can only be done as Wolf with Midna riding on Link's back.

  1. Stand next to a Howling Stone or patch of horse/bird grass as wolf.
  2. Call Midna and choose to warp.
  3. Select any warp destination on the Map Screen and choose to warp there.
  4. Press A to interact with the Howling Stone or horse/bird grass.
  5. If successful, the warp will be interrupted.

Note: The reason this only works on these objects is because of how long it takes for the A button to reappear after talking to Midna. For most objects, there is about a one second delay before the A button reappears. With these objects, however, the A button reappears almost instantly.

Map Warp + Animation Item Cancel method

Discovered by Swordlink90
  1. Equip an item that will play a short cutscene when used. These are some of the items that are known to work:
    • A bottle filled with most things.
    • Auru's Note/Ashei's Sketch
  2. Press D-Right (D-Left with the minimap closed; GCN) or 1 (Wii)
  3. Select any warp destination on the map screen and choose to warp there.
  4. As the map screen closes, immediately use the item equipped at step one afterwards.
  5. If successful, you will pull out the item instead of warping.

Map Screen Delay method

Discovered by mzxrules

Originally discovered as an alternative method for Wii versions, where the GCN-style (Midna button + map button) does not work as the inputs do not register together. The above method is generally easier and has the same requirements.

  1. Equip an item that will play a short cutscene when used. These are some of the items that are known to work:
    • A bottle filled with most things.
    • Auru's Note/Ashei's Sketch
  2. Press D-Right (D-Left with the minimap closed; GCN) or 1 (Wii) and the item's button on the same frame. If done correctly, the Map Screen sound effect will play, but the animation will prevent the map from opening.
  3. Just as the animation finishes, call Midna. The timing is tricky as Midna can appear before the Map will.
  4. Select any warp destination on the map screen and choose to warp there.
  5. If successful, Midna will talk to you, interrupting the warp.

Map Warp + Action Button Cancel method (Wii only)

Discovered by mzxrules
  1. Find something that can be talked to or interacted with with A which results in a cutscene state when doing so. Examples include:
    • Talking with someone or something, as long as you can do so as Wolf Link or transform in front of them/it, including Epona.
    • Signs, chests, and doors
  2. Press 1 and A on the same frame
  3. Select any warp destination on the map screen and choose to warp there.
  4. If successful, you will talk or interact instead of warping.

Midna Warp + Dig Spot method

Discovered by Dragonbane

This version also may be performed without the ability to warp via the Map Screen, though warping via Midna is still required. However, it can only be done as Wolf with Midna riding on Link's back.

  1. Stand next to a dig spot which causes a cutscene as Wolf.
  2. Call Midna and choose to warp.
  3. Select any warp destination on the map screen and choose to warp there.
  4. Press Y (GCN) or D-Down (Wii) to interact with the dig spot. If successful, the warp will be interrupted.

Note: Because of the restrictions on the dig spot, this is by far the most limited method. There are only six dig spots in the game which work for this style of map glitch, and two of them are in Snowpeak Ruins (and you can't warp in dungeons). The other two locations are in the Kakariko Gorge area, at the gate blocking the entrance to Kakariko Village, prior to it being opened, and in South Faron, at the side of the gate blocking access to the dark tunnel connecting South Faron to the Faron Woods (as shown in the video).

Additional notes:

  • Activating Map Glitch and then opening a door that Link can go through without falling will distort Link's collisions and minimize his hitbox, much in the same way that Chest Storage does in Wind Waker. This is known as Storage but does not currently hold any use. Activating Map Glitch and then opening a door that Link cannot go through without falling will cause the game to softlock.
  • Falling into a void with some momentum in some direction (either by jump attacking or having momentum as Link starts to fall) will cause Link to move in that direction infinitely as he falls, as the respawn trigger is inactive. Some cutscene triggers, as well as any body of water, extend downwards forever, and this can be used to reach them even if they are otherwise inaccessible.
Last updated 04/09/2024 – bewildebeest